Coolidge Corner Theatre Brookline, MA
Katie Slivensky
School visits coordinator, Museum of Science, Boston
The Land Before Time— SoS Jr.: Dinosaurs!
Program Description
For 30 years, The Land Before Time has been inspiring young dinosaur lovers...and misinforming them about their favorite prehistoric reptiles. Before this screening of the dino-classic, the Museum of Science's Katie Slivensky shares some fascinating facts about the real animals behind Littlefoot, Cera, and their friends.
Recommended age: 6+
Presented At
Coolidge Corner Theatre Brookline, MA
Film Synopsis
After an earthquake, an orphaned brontosaurus teams up with other young dinosaurs in order to reunite with their families in a plentiful valley.
Littlefoot, a young brontosaurus, is orphaned after his mother dies protecting him from a vicious T. rex. With her last breath, she tells him how to get to the legendary Great Valley, where he will be reunited with others of his kind. With his triceratops friend Cera, Littlefoot sets out for the fabled land, meeting new friends along the way—and being tracked by the killer dinosaur that mortally wounded his mother. Recommended age: 6+
Read the Commonsense Media review here.
Photo courtesy of PHOTOFEST
About the Speaker
Katie Slivensky is a paleontologist, a children’s author, and an educator at the Museum of Science, Boston, where she coordinates school visits and does presentations with alligators, lightning, and liquid nitrogen (not usually all at the same time). She earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Michigan, and a Masters degree in Paleoanthropology from Stony Brook University. The Land Before Time was one of her favorite childhood movies.