• Produce a minimum of three Science on Screen events during the course of the grant period
  • Show an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Festival award recipient or a film developed by Sloan through its film development pipeline
  • Provide program information for inclusion on the SoS website
  • Professionally videotape a minimum of three Science on Screen presentations and submit footage to the Coolidge
  • Have speakers sign release forms
  • Use the Science on Screen logo on all marketing materials
  • Acknowledge the Coolidge Corner Theatre and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation on all marketing materials using the following language: An initiative of the COOLIDGE CORNER THEATRE, with major support from the ALFRED P. SLOAN FOUNDATION
  • Submit final evaluation report at the end of the grant period


June 29, 2019

  • Submit final evaluation report (narrative and budget) via email
  • Submit original slides from presentations (if possible) to Dropbox
  • Deliver recordings to the Coolidge via Dropbox