Founded in 1934, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is a philanthropic, not-for-profit grant making institution based in New York City. Sloan's program in Public Understanding of Science, Technology & Economics supports various media to commission, develop, produce, and distribute new work mainstreaming science and technology to reach a wide, non-specialized audience. Watch award-winning Sloan short films here.

A look at the life of Alfred Kinsey, a pioneer in the area of human sexuality research, whose 1948 publication "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male" was one of the first recorded works that saw science address sexual behavior.

Madness and Genius
Despite his near-photographic memory, Jordan is failing college, so he decides to steal the ideas of his professor, a brilliant thinker turned recluse with a dark past.

A San Franciscan computer programmer falls in love with one of his creations in the days after the dot-com boom.

A young genius frantically races against time to crack an enemy code and solve the mystery surrounding the woman he loves.